Sunday, 20 September 2009

The photo on the right should have said 'Lyndsey' but I'd run out of the letter y in my sugarcraft set so had to do 'Lindsev' and the one on the left is from a set I made for the children. Maddie is my youngest and one of the most willing taste testers :)

Here are few more pictures of cakes I've done recently - I thought I should make an effort and put them on the blog as website technology seems to be beyond me! The cupcakes with the red flowers on were the ones we took to the 'CherryBake' competition in Borough Market. It was an opportunity for people to make things using English cherries. I made a quick cherry jam and stirred it into the sponge mixture and then put fresh cherries on top of four of them (we took 12 in total) and wrote 'cherry good cupcakes on the middle four' :) I took my daughters and we had a wonderful day out, we tasted lots of different things from the stalls and came home laden down with olives and cheese. The winner was a lady also from Cambridge who had made a gorgeous cherry tart. 
This is a larger version of the photo below as I couldn't work out how to make that one bigger! These were for a little girl's first birthday. 

Here are a couple of cakes for birthdays that I've done recently. One for a one year old and the other for a 21st birthday (both for girls!) 

Monday, 7 September 2009

I'm going to start having my market stall 2 days a week from this week (so of course I should really now be cooking but am frozen in panic and delaying by typing this). This means I'll have to think of exciting cupcake designs twice a week eek! I'm also going to have to get up twice at 5am which is a tragically small number of days compared to my partner - he has to get up every day in the week at 5 - but he doesn't have the hair issues I do. So hair will have to be done the night before and then I can face the public by 8.30. 
The only trouble is I've been doing the market during the school holidays so far whereas now I'll have to do it in the midst of packed lunch preparation, school uniform mishaps and the general air of chaos that 2 daughters create (sons don't seem to be so much trouble - they just eat, mumble and go). 
I bought some beautiful Hello Kitty rings from America which arrived last week so i'm definitely going to use those, maybe some cherry ones and then... my mind's a blank. The picture is of an oreo cupcake with a Hello Kitty marshmallow. It's 10am now and I have until 3 to make 100 cupcakes so off I go..