Thursday, 29 April 2010

Cakes from the stall this week - the ones with the red dots are strawberry cupcakes made with crushed strawberries in the sponge and then filled with a strawberry and cream mixture and topped with vanilla buttercream. They were good! I'm going to make double of those next week and the chocolate with a strawberry on as they proved very popular :) The bottom picture is a lemon meringue cupcake and next week I'll be doing strawberry meringue cupcakes and that, in cupcakery terms, is the fat lady singing because it doesn't get any more delicious than that..
I'll also have the lemon, pistachio, almond and polenta cake too in the hope of keeping the mediterranean (spelled something like that) feel we had on the stall this week in the sunshine.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Wedding cupcakes! I made these for a wedding on Friday - they were so lucky with the weather. The theme was white, yellow and blue and I'm hoping they'll send me a photo of the cakes on the cake stand too - but they look pretty good in the boxes :)

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Well, apparently you can put your shoulders back and down and your head a bit to the side and smile as well as hold a tray of cakes if someone is bossing you enough.. ahem.. These are lovely photos - apart from the fact that I have enormously fat cheeks and I'm much more ginger than I'd really come to terms with (I always say 'strawberry blonde') - taken by my friend James, I mean, Martin, Bond.
And on a random note as the winner of the most middle class thing I've heard today (up against some pretty stiff competition as you can imagine) was one Park Street parent shouting to another about the other's new bike paniers; 'I covet them'!! I ask you..

Monday, 19 April 2010

More cakes! I had to put the other picture in of the horse cake as I felt I hadn't quite shown it off to its best advantage :) The yellow cake I made for my best friend Harriet and I used some of her daffodils to decorate it with. (It says Tony and Judy not Tong and Judy I should just point out - I might need to work on those 'y's gulp..)

I made this cake for a girl who is mad about horses! I decided to buy and not make the horse as a) I can't make horses out of icing and b) most of the horse cakes I'd looked at on google or cake books looked a bit weird - either hilariously badly done or so lifelike I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to cut them open! So I hope this was a happy halfway - non-edible horse on edible 'grass'.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Three more photos of cakes - the box of 12 cakes (I would say the top or bottom but I never know how they're going to appear!) are ones I took with my youngest daughter to London to take to my oldest son who's at university there. He lives in a house with 4 other boys so I don't think they lasted long :)

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

I made this cake! I'm very pleased with myself :)) It took 3 days of pracise to get the bow shapes right and sleepless nights as I thought about how to do things (I may have been overcomplicating slightly..) but I'm really pleased with the way it's turned out. There is a lovely lemony sponge inside too as, so often, when you cut open a big cake there is a horrible dry cake waiting so, I hope they enjoyed eating it too.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Three pictures: they're supposed to be the other way round from the bottom to the top (will I ever learn how to work this thing?!) one is the strawberries, jam and cream I put inside the cake I made this afternoon for a friend of my partner's who came to visit, one is the cake put together and, the last one, is of my youngest daughter who is showing remarkable casualness in the face of a enormous cream cake sitting right beside her (we did eat three quarters of it in one sitting about 10 minutes after this shot was taken though..)

Well of course Wednesday was the one day of freezing cold and rain between 2 gorgeous sunny days! I made a pistachio, almond and orange cake which tasted really good but sunk in the middle - so I cut the middle out and served it as a ring cake :))
Here are the photos of some of the cakes from Wednesday and one of the trays of brownies that I now take regularly - I'm so pleased with the photo, it really gives an idea of the yumminess of the brownies.. The other cakes are lemon and red velvet cupcakes with a lemony cheesecake style topping and they were goood.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

So tomorrow on the stall hoping for good weather - like today's lovely sunshine (I got 2 loads of washing dry outside hooray) - but probably it'll change and be howling gales and siberian temperatures which makes wrapping a cupcake in tissue, taking money, giving change and putting the cupcake in a bag almost impossible challenges.... Tomorrow's cupcakes are Red Velvet (Jamie Oliver's recipe copied down from his book whilst sitting in Waterstones), chocolate with chocolate sauce in the middle, lemon meringue, Oreo and raspberry (with a jam filling). I'm also taking a fresh cream filled Victoria sponge, a lemon drizzle with 2 lemony toppings (also copied whilst sitting in the book shop) and brownies. So tonight my elder daughter is putting my younger daughter and a friend's daughter to bed (despite my 9 year old saying, 'but she's only 5! Why am I going to bed at the same time??' I pointed out it wasn't such a big age gap..) and I'm going to collapse on the sofa for an hour before early night to prepare for 5am start.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Very lovely chocolate swirls and a cake for my friend who works on the flower stall next to me for her husband's birthday (her daughter chose the words). It was windy and cold on the stall this week which is never very nice - I wrap the cupcakes up in tissue paper before I put them in the paper bags that people take them away in and this week holding the tissue, bag, cake and the money without it flying away was a challenge to say the least... So cafe watch continues and we carry on with the countdown towards our cafe opening day (as soon as there is a definite official countdown I'll post it on here and I can't wait!) and it seemed that bit more attractive to be inside without having to battle the wind, rain, cold, pigeons... I could go on..