Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Haven't posted for a week as it was my birthday last week - I'm now officially very ancient - and then my youngest daughter's 4 days later so I was baking even more cakes than usual. I made a cake and some whoopee pies to deliver to a couple in a lovely little village near Cambridge; I wrapped each whoopee in a square of tissue and put them in a box and then took some photos but the camera didn't have the memory card in, double aargh!! So I'll have to recreate the scene and do it again :)

For the stall this week I'm making some rose meringues, more whoopees and a lemon poppy seed cake using a Hugh FW recipe which has about 8 stages and uses 5 bowls but it's worth it in the end, we hope... And lots of cupcakes of course as reports of the demise of the cupcake have been exaggerated, they are still the nicest way to have a little treat of lovely sponge I think (I would say that of course..)
And then i'll put the memory card back in the camera to take some photos of all the above yumminess

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