A cake I've just delivered to a lovely woman in a hairdresser's in town - I had to circle round until she got there as I could see a traffic warden following me down the road and I know that they'll leap out and have a ticket on your car before you can say 'I'm only delivering a cake!'. I can see now on the photo that I written the name on at a slight angle so I hope they still like it :)
It is a huge cake - 25cm - which took 2 hours to cook on a very low heat. The most nerve wracking part is cutting the cake in half evenly (I just about managed it) and the inside looked really lovely and moist. It has 4 chocolate bars and nearly 2 pots of sour cream in so it should be tasty!
I've also started making meringues but I'm struggling to take a good photo of them, I'll keep trying and then post the result. I'm going to sell them on the stall in bags for the small ones and then make larger ones like rose and chocolate - then people can take them home and just add some strawberries or raspberries and softly whipped cream, the perfect pudding..
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